⚖️Security Platform Comparison

The table provides a succinct comparison of Trustblock's functionalities against other platforms, highlighting unique features and capabilities across the web3 security landscape.

FeatureTrustblockDecentralized Audit MarketplacesAudit Aggregator PlatformsBlockchain Security Analysis ToolsCommunity-Driven Audit PlatformsClassic Audit Firms

Direct Audit Upload



Easy Onboarding for Auditors


Accessible Audit Data



Unique ID for Verification


User-Friendly Data Presentation


Real-time Security Monitoring



API for Web3 Integration





Objective Auditor Metrics


Scalable Audit Handling




Crowdsourced Security Insights


Advanced Vulnerability Detection Algorithms




Expert-led Security Training and Workshops


In-house Security Auditors



  • ✅: Feature Fully Supported

  • ⚠️: Partial Support or Limited Functionality

  • ❌: Feature Typically Not Supported or Not Available

Last updated