Sign in

Head to beta.trustblock.run to sign in.


Head to your profile

Click on your name at the top right of the screen.


Publish an audit

At the bottom of your profile’s page, you’ll see a “Publish an audit” button redirecting you to the audit publication form once you click on it.


Fill the form

Follow the instructions on the form and submit it.

And then what?

That’s it! Your audit is published and now accessible through our system.

We refresh metrics on Trustblock every day at a fixed time, and as such, your profile should be updated pretty soon after publishing your audits with the newest metrics.

Metrics Widget

Learn how to integrate Trustblock’s metrics widget on your website.

The audit you publish will now be available from labels and API. Check the links below for more information.

Labels Widget

Learn how to integrate Trustblock’s labels on your website.

Security Data API

Learn how to integrate Trustblock’s security data API on your website.